
Book Tracking Implementation

The Project

This web site explains the implementation of the book tracking and tracing system that All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development, is looking for. The purpose of the book tracking system is to ensure that donated books and reading materials reach the low-income countries that need them to help teach children how to read. Without these reading materials there is a high chance that these children will not learn to read, so tracking the books and materials is vital. In the past many of the reading materials have been lost somewhere between the publisher or donor and the destination. RFID tags will be used in the new tracking system.

The scope of this project will include the development of the system that will track the books and materials from their origination points to their destinations. The tracking system will allow the stakeholders to view the location of the materials via desktop or laptop computers, as well as mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones. The tracking data will be stored in a database so in the event a shipment is lost the last location will be known and the search can begin from that point. Once the materials reach their destination the tracking system will no longer track the materials.

Measurable Organizational Value (MOV)
  • The biggest value of the system is that the books and materials reach their destinations.
  • Keeping books and materials from being lost is a key element.
  • Currently donations of books and materials are being lost, these losses cost money in materials and shipping, with this tracking system this will not happen therefore the money currently being lost will no long be. This creates a very positive return of investment (ROI).


There will be many people that will have access to the tracking system so the stakeholders are grouped together in the following way.

  • Parents of children awaiting books and materials.
  • Donor Agencies
  • Ministries of Education in the receiving countries.
Project Schedule
  • Phase 1-Jan. 23rd, 2015 thru May 29th, 2015, requirements, research, and plan development.
  • Phase 2-June 1st, 2015 thru August 1st, 2015, system development and prototyping
  • Phase 3-August 2nd, 2015 thru October 1st, 2015, testing and debugging
  • Phase 4-October 2nd, 2015 thru November 25th, 2015, broader field testing.
  • Phase 5-December 1st, 2015 the new system will launch.

To ensure the project keeps on track and progress is monitored there will be meeting every week to update the status of the project with key stakeholders involved on the first of every month from June 1st, 2015 thru October 1st, 2015, then the stakeholder meetings will take place weekly from that point on until the new system is launched on December 1st.

Project Budget

The budget for this project will be $425,000 with an additional $75,000 available for unforeseen costs, for a total of $500,000. Each phase has a dedicated estimate budget as follows.

  • Phase 1- $100,000
  • Phase 2- $150,000
  • Phase 3- $75,000
  • Phase 4- $50,000
  • Phase 5- $50,000
Project Administration
  • Communication Plan: The project manager will communicate with the team daily in meetings and will stakeholders weekly through emails, telephone, or video conference.
  • Scope Management Plan: The project manager will ensure that the scope of the project is maintained, if any change in scope is needed the manager will meet with the team to see if the change is possible. Then plan the steps needed to make the change. 
  • Quality Management Plan: All coding will be tested to ensure it is functional and debugged. The tracking devices will be tested for range and transmission ability in weather conditions and terrain differences.
  • Change Management Plan: Any and all changes to the project will go through the project manager. The team will then meet to discuss the changes and look for the best solutions, a plan will be written that will include the action steps, time frame for the change, and potential obstacles.
  • Human Resources Plan: There will be a project manager that will communicate with the team and the stakeholders. The team will consist of 2 analysts, 2 programmers, and 2 designers. There will be a member dedicated to creating training materials and training key personal.
Implementation, Continued Maintenance, Project Closure Plan
  • There is no current database of format for the system since it is new, so the database and file management will be new.
  • The production type process for the system will be the addition of the RFID to the shipments of books and materials.
  • The Ministries of Education and Donors will be notified when the new system is launched. The parents and other parties will be made aware by the Ministries of Education in each country.
  • Since the system is new and covers a very large, international, area, the system will be phased into each area.
  • Support and maintenance will be included for the first 6 months after full deployment. During this time key personal will be trained and documentation will be created. The trained key personal will take over at the end of this time. 
  • Once the system is running, support staff trained, and 6 months have past, the project will be considered complete.